The modal neocon

is Jasmine, the main villain from Angel, season four (available on DVD.) Angel, a spinoff from Buffy the Vampire the Slayer, tells the tell of a vampire cursed with a soul who “helps the helpless” deal with LA’s mix of vampires, demons, ghosts and demon-worshiping lawyers (on Angel a group of powerful demon lawyers known as “The Senior Partners” of the evil law firm Wolfram and Hart are responsible for most of the wickedness in the world.)

Jasmine is a god like creature who arranges to have fire rain down on LA and plunge the city into total darkness in order to bring about her birth. She then casts a spell upon all who gaze upon her which fills people with love for their fellow man and total devotion to Jasmine. Jasmine’s proclaimed goal is the elimination of all evil and human suffering, so mankind can live in peace without having to worry about free will or choosing their own destiny. Of course, Angel and his associates eventually defeat her (the show is called Angel after all).
Jasmine obviously resembles the neocons in her goals (world peace under her leadership) and means (wonton violence and destruction) , but she resembles the neocons, and other statists, in another more interesting way. Jasmine sincerely believes that she is acting for the good of humanity so it is all right to scarifice thousands (millions) of people to acheive her goals. Libertarians should never forget that our enemies are not just cynical power-grabbing monsters but also include fanatics who truly believe their use of state power is for the good of humanity. Jasmine’s justification and Angel’s belief that even world peace is not worth living in a slave state is spelled out in their final confrontation:

Thousands of people are dead because of what you’ve done.

(walks up to Angel) And how many will die because of you? I could’ve stopped it, Angel. All of it. War, disease, poverty. How many precious, beautiful lives would’ve been saved in a handful of years? Yes, I murdered thousands to save billions. (walks to the edge of the bridge) This world is doomed to drown in its own blood now.

The price was too high, Jasmine. Our fate has to be our own, or we’re nothing.

To fully appreciate Angel season four, you need to have seen Angel’s first three seasons. So go buy or rent the DVDs, and make sure to pick up season five when it comes out next February. You won’t be disappointed, what you’ll be is amazed that something this good was actually on network TV.


8:17 pm on October 28, 2004