The Lynne Stewart case

Beyond all the terrorist talk and the like, it boils down to this: Lynne Stewart allegedly disobeyed a Department of Justice (sic) order. Indeed, as an attorney, she is supposed to represent her client, not be part of the prosecution’s team. In other words, she did not break the law, or certainly not in any meaningful sense. A DOJ directive should never have the force of law, period.

The order that her client gave resulted in no deaths, no attacks, nothing. It is one thing for an attorney knowingly to give information that leads to an assassination or (as in the case of the mafia) a hit job. That clearly was not the situation here.

That the DOJ (sic) wants her to get 30 years tells me these people are concerned only with power and the ability to destroy lives. Because Stewart is what one might call an unpopular defendant, given her radical politics, it is easy to railroad her into what effectively will be a death sentence. These things are not right.


11:36 am on October 16, 2006