The Libertarian States Rights Tradition

You can study Freedom and Federalism with Tom DiLorenzo at the Mises Academy from Feb. 2–29.

Writes Tom: “Americans — and much of the rest of the world — have been deprived of one of the most important means of establishing and maintaining a free society, namely, federalism or states’ rights. It is not just an accident that states’ rights have either been relegated to the memory hole, or denigrated as a tool of racists and other miscreants. The Jeffersonian states’-rights tradition was — and is — the key to understanding why Thomas Jefferson believed that the best government is that which governs least, and that a limited constitutional government was indeed possible.”

Tom is an exciting teacher, especially when the subject is a forbidden but vitally important one like decentralism. Read the rest of his article, sign up, and get ready for a great time.


1:53 pm on January 27, 2012