The Left Can’t Stop Lying About Rand Paul

Now it’s the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine, who “does a Maddow” and flat-out lies on national television about Rand Paul.  On Fox News Sunday Kaine claimed that Paul said it was “un-American to hold BP accountable” for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Host Chris Wallace called him out by pointing out that what Paul said was “un-American” was a Democratic pol’s grandstanding bloviation that  “we should put a  boot on the neck of BP.”  Paul said that such rhetoric is un-American, not holding BP accountable for damage it has caused. 

Note to all those Perfectly-Pure-as-the-Driven-Snow libertarians out there:  Please spare me the angry emails declaring the shocking — shocking!!!!! — news that Rand Paul is not, like you, The Most Ideologically Pure Libertarian in the History of the World.


6:07 pm on May 23, 2010