The Joe Biden VP Gaffe Saga

I’m enjoying the heck out of the Biden VP Gaffe Saga. It’s already capitalized!

Anyway, three nonlawyers were just on MSNBC excoriating Palin for her clumsy but largely accurate comments about the office of the VP last night: Matthews, Brownstein and Hertzberg. They should have been asking why Biden, who has been in the Senate since he was 30, doesn’t know the constitutional duties and powers of the VP.

Biden said last night: “[The VP] has no authority relative to the Congress.”

Keep that thought in mind while watching this video. Beer and popcorn is suggested.

This is not about the Constitution or even McBama. It’s bigger than that. This is the same MSM that was in the tank for the biggest heist in world history.

Stay tuned for more on the Saga.


5:06 pm on October 3, 2008