The Gridlock Tax Cut in NY

In the People’s Republic of New York, two Democrats switched sides in the senate, then one switched back to create a 31-31 deadlock.

While the editorial writers are decrying the gridlock, this is time for all New Yorkers to rejoice! For example, 36 counties are waiting for authorization to continue “temporary” sales tax increases.  Call it the gridlock tax cut.  Since much of the money goes directly to the wretched government schools (as the late great Marshall Fritz dubbed them), that is even more cause for celebration.

Just remember–whoever breaks the tie will be the villian who repealed the billion dollar gridlock tax cut.

Update:  Here’s some more gridlock tax cuts:

Nine counties also are waiting for their hotel/motel bed taxes to be renewed. In Albany County, some of that money is slated for preparation work on a proposed convention center.

And Long Island’s financially pressed Nassau and Suffolk counties are seeking an additional tobacco tax — also requiring Senate approval.  Times Union


10:35 am on June 19, 2009