The Government Is Ruining Your Life

Duh.  Professor Kevin Dowd asked a group of young people last year, in the face of the impossible welfare-state promises they are going to have to spend their lives making good on, “Do you want a life of toil and slavery, followed by ultimate destitution, or do you want to stand up for yourselves and fight for the chance of a decent life? It’s your choice.”

I’ll be talking about this sort of thing and about economic illiteracy and its effects on our lives in general at Colorado State University Thursday night; the event will also be broadcast over the Internet.

After that, I plan to enjoy some much-needed relaxation and spend some time online finishing my Christmas shopping, starting with (shh!) this puppet show theater.  It’s for the kids, you understand.  It is not for acting out Geithner/Bernanke dialogues, etc.  No way.


1:14 am on December 8, 2010