The GOP versus the First Amendment

This week the GOP House will consider legislation to regulate” 527s” such as and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Apparently, the Republican leadership has come to agree with John McCain that there’s just to much political speech in this country. Fortunately, many conservatives are fighting against this latest attack on the First Amendment, among them Ramesh Ponnuru who blasted the GOP on the National Review blog:

“Republicans are leading a charge to subject “527 groups” to onerous regulations. A minority of them, again, have sincere and above-board reasons for doing this. Most of them just want to shut down groups that are trying to beat them in elections. For a majority to restrict the freedom of others to try to boot them out is pretty much a textbook definition of the abuse of power, isn’t it?”

Cross-posted at Free for All the Free Liberal blog.


10:38 pm on April 3, 2006