The Gall of Geithner

Here are some classic doublespeak snippets from a news story about Bankster Puppet of the Treasurer Timothy Geithner:

The United States must live within its means once its economy recovers if it is to preserve global confidence in the U.S. dollar’s status, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Friday. [Is the “United States” that he refers to here our ever-growing Federal government? Is it the businesses and individuals who have access to cheap fiat currency courtesy of the “Federal” Reserve? Or both?]

“Future deficits are too high, and the president is committed to working with Congress to bring them down to a sustainable level as the economy recovers,” Geithner said in a statement accompanying the fiscal data. [And this is done by creating an almost one trillion dollar new health care program, along with the almost one trillion dollars in big business bailouts that Geithner oversees?]

“It is very important that Americans understand that we need to do everything possible to sustain confidence in our ability to keep inflation low and stable over time and to make sure we’re getting our fiscal house in order,” Geithner said. [And this is done by keeping interest rates at almost zero?]

The administration has to be careful not to withdraw economic stimulus too fast though, Geithner added. [Sure, Tim. We wouldn’t want the United States to “live within its means” too quickly now, would we?]

In a later part of the news story, there is a quote from Geithner partner-in-crime Larry Summers:

“There is no financial institution that exists today that is not the direct or indirect beneficiary of trillions of dollars of taxpayer support,” he said. [C’mon, Larry. You know damn well that the trillions of dollars of support are not coming from taxpayers. That printing press down there in Washington controlled by the “Federal” Reserve is where the trillions of dollars of support are coming from.]


11:54 pm on October 17, 2009