The Gaddafi Mercenaries and the Division of Africa

French documentary film maker Julien Teil brought us the ground-breaking video “Humanitarian War: There is No Evidence,” which I wrote about not long ago on LRC. In this film, readers will recall, the head of the Swiss-based Libyan League for Human Rights, Soliman Bouchuiguir, whose testimony in the UN about atrocities in Libya set off the chain of events that led to NATO’s destruction of that country, admits that he simply made up the numbers of casualties out of thin air, with the help of the Libyan rebels. It is an incredibly powerful scene when this evil demon is forced to admit that his lies brought NATO bombs.

Of course the parallels with the foreign-based liars who are pushing for more NATO bombing, this time in Syria, are chilling.

Teil continues to make powerful documentaries and I would like to bring this incredible piece of work, which demonstrates more lies and deceptions on Libya and Syria, to the attention of LRC readers. It is definitely worth viewing:


8:00 pm on March 12, 2012