The Future of Ejumacation?

Megastudy’s Academic Star Power reports: “With cramming courses almost a necessity for college-bound Koreans, this company is raking it in by putting power profs on the Web”.

This is enabled not only by the Internet but by the increasing prevalance of broadband at the home. No doubt we are heading to a future where most homes are connected directly by optical fiber (meaning a laser in every household) to an all optical Internet of tremendous bandwidth (this phenomenon is known as FTTx, for fiber-to-the-home, -curb, -business, what have you). (Light travels faster than electrical signals propagated over copper wires, for example; light pumped down a fiber-optic cable can direct the light-based signal exactly where you want it to go; and use of tiny, grain-of-sand-sized semiconductor lasers as the light source used to send a modulated signal down a fiber permits the signal to travel long distances and permits dozens or hundreds of channels and wavelengths of light to be transmitted simultaneously down the fiber.)

Maybe those yuppies saving $500k in 529 plans for junior’s education can spend $50k instead on e-Harvard and use the rest for his wedding.


9:33 am on April 12, 2006