The Daily Loyalty Oath

Writes Farrell Nicholson: “The discussion on LRC’s blog concerning the pledge (loyalty oath) is very interesting. From Wikipedia’s entry, it states that similarities to Fascism were soon discovered: ‘Before World War II, the Pledge would begin with the right hand over the heart during the phrase “I pledge allegiance”. The arm was then extended toward the Flag at the phrase “to the Flag”, and it remained outstretched during the rest of the pledge, with the palm facing upward, as if to lift the flag.

“An early version of the salute, adopted in 1892, was known as the Bellamy salute. It also ended with the arm outstretched and the palm upwards, but began with the right hand outstretched, palm facing downward. However, during World War II the outstretched arm became identified with Nazism and Fascism, and the custom was changed: today the Pledge is said from beginning to end with the right hand over the heart.'”


7:05 pm on May 10, 2008