The Chicago Tribune on Ron Paul

The paper, though no longer the bastion of the Old Right that it was under the great Col. McCormick, does a reasonable job for the MSM. For example:

“Hammering home a singular message of freedom, free markets, smaller federal government and greater personal responsibility, Paul, at 72, is nothing if not consistent. Personally, he seems very much the same in a one-on-one conversation as he does on the stump: earnest, serious and slightly stunned. Although pleasant, he, unlike most politicians, makes no effort to charm. He leaves an impression that he is out to sell ideas, not himself.”

Read the story (and thanks to Brian Costin).

UPDATE: Thanks to John McCarthy for pointing out this quote: “Listen to this quote: “Long unafraid to take rock-solid stands on issues that would turn other candidates’ knees to jelly-witness his opposition to gun control and censorship of pornography or anything else on the internet, and his approval of decriminalizing marijuana and prostitution-Paul has developed the unlikely political habit of saying exactly what he thinks. All the time. Whether he’s on the floor of the House of Representatives or on the couch of ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.'”


9:18 am on November 13, 2007