The Bloody Cruelty of Empires

When the Romans, in a series of wars, destroyed the great commercial civilization of Phoenician Carthage (Libya), they burned it to the ground and forced their new slaves to sow salt in the fields, to poison them, or so we are told.

Today, the Americans (or, rather, their Nato running dogs) are doing something far worse: they are using depleted uranium ammunition, as they did in Iraq and so many other places, to poison the land and the people and the unborn. The number of malformed babies and miscarriages will be horrific. Here’s what they did to the people of Falujah for daring to resist the invading and foreign contractors. Say, isn’t it the pro-life Christianists who do this and cheer it on? (Thanks to Luis Almeida)


6:58 pm on April 13, 2011