Students Love Ron Paul

More than 1,000 kids turned out to cheer Ron at the Universersity of Montana. “Paul brought the standing-room only crowd to its stomping feet enough times to make the gifted orator Obama blush,” notes an incredulous newspaper. Read the story.


8:33 am on April 22, 2008

Students Love Ron Paul

Young people know they have been cheated by the power elite and its wars, taxes, fiat money, bailouts, and police state. That’s why the Ron Paul Revolution is a permanent one. And unlike the Trotskyite-neocon permanent revolution, Ron Paul’s is for freedom, peace, and capitalism.


8:25 am on April 4, 2008

Students Love Ron Paul

Another report on the enthusiastic rally and concert for at least 4,000 supporters at the University of Texas, Austin. As the Herald-Zeitung notes, “the exuberant crowd cheered throughout Paul’s address whenever the candidate touched on his themes of bringing the troops home, strengthening the U.S. dollar and restoring the Constitution.”


11:57 am on February 24, 2008