Street Interviews and the Game of Risk

Aussies are rightly concerned about a possible invasion of “Iran” (Australia) as is humorously pointed out in these street interviews. Aussie intelligence must have intercepted neocon plans to invade Australia in order to insure a better position for the New American Century. Players of the board game Risk know the easiest way to win in the game of world domination is to amass your armies in Australia, slowly moving into Indonesia, and hold out while the rest of the players destroy themselves, particularly in the Asian landmass.

Maybe Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, and Libby were playing Risk one night and they had an epiphany. Aussies can take comfort though, because the neocons didn’t invade Australia first and are knee deep in Asia destroying the US military. Neocons are probably kicking themselves now. Ah, what might have been.


12:13 pm on December 20, 2005