Standing armies are slow

The Ron Paul campaign is like a guerrilla army up against standing armies. Guerrillas are everywhere and they act spontaneously and autonomously, quickly, decisively, and inexpensively. Standing armies are expensive, slow, cumbersome, and await orders from on high.

Example. In January, I argued that Ron Paul is “Hillary’s worst nightmare.”

Now, many months later, the standing armies have their marching orders and are spreading the idea that each of their generals is “the one,” the only one who can stop the Clinton Steamroller.

Monkey see, monkey do? Monkey slow too.

The problem is, it’s not true. My point is that only an antiwar Republican can beat Hillary. Plus, Rudy’s getting trounced in NY. If he can’t win his own state against a carpetbagger, where’s he going to win?

Only a Republican who can outflank Hillary “from the left” on some key issues can prevail in the blue states needed to win.


8:40 am on October 13, 2007