Sojourners, “Truth Telling,” and Talking Points

The latest protests against state-run medical care are drawing the talking points from the White House and the political classes, and it seems that the Usual Suspects are trying to claim that their protestations against the “contrived” protests are not contrived at all.  We see Paul Krugman engaging in his Pavlovian response, claiming that not only are the protesters stupid, but they also are racist and murderous.  Gail Collins, the editorial page editor of Obama’s House Organ, the New York Times, trying to figure a strategy to counter the claims.

My favorite rendition of the White House Talking Points, however, comes from Jim Wallis of Sojourners, who calls for “truth-telling” in this debate.  The Man Who Always Speaks for God declares:

Yet in recent weeks, conservative radio ads have claimed that health-care reform will kill the elderly (it won’t), that it will include federal funding for abortion (it doesn’t), and that it is a socialist takeover of the health-care system (it isn’t). The organizations promoting these claims, including some Religious Right groups, are either badly misinformed, or they are deliberately distorting reality.

Well, it turns out that ObamaCare would include abortion coverage, something I am sure that Mr. Wallis already knows.  Of course, Mr. Wallis is against all of the latest protests that have occurred, writing:

We must all say loudly and strongly that misinformation and angry mobs are not how democracy functions. While freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are certainly our rights, those rights must always be exercised with responsibility and accountability.

That is well and good, except that one must remember that Mr. Wallis has been a huge supporter of ACORN, which regularly engages in the very kinds of tactics he now condemns.  (“Free speech for me, but not for thee.”)  Furthermore, one also needs to remember that when Mr. Wallis attended Michigan State University in the late 1960s, he was the president of MSU’s chapter of SDS, the Marxist organization that regularly engaged in loud and contrived protests, as well as outright violence.  So, I guess that Jim Wallis cares about “truth-telling” when lies work in his favor, and then endorses outright lying when it might benefit himself.


9:32 am on August 8, 2009