Socialist Writer Thomas Frank Is Upset . . .

. . . that “Americans are in a skeptical mood nowadays” and are “scoffing at orthodoxy” and at “conventional academic wisdom . . .” That is, they are “scoffing” at socialism and Keynesianism as solutions, rather than as causes, of all our economic problems, as espoused by Ivy League leftists like Thomas Frank.

Frank is a regular commentator in Harper’s where he essentially writes the same article every month or so but with very minor twists. There is economic inequality in the world, he indignantly announces, and that fact supposedly “justifies” the state in threatening to put you in a cage if you refuse to “contribute” more taxes in the name of “fighting inequality.” There. Now you never have to waste any money on Harper’s to read any of Thomas Frank’s articles.

Worse yet, Frank writes in the March issue of Harper’s, is the fact that instead of sticking to the same old “conventional academic wisdom” as preached by Ivy League leftists, Americans are “turning to books like Robert Murphy’s Politically-Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal.” 

Much, much worse according to Frank is the fact that “There is even a vogue for libertarian landmarks like Murray Rothbard’s 1963 study America’s Great Depression . . . ”

Holding up a copy of America’s Great Depression in front of Thomas Frank is like holding a Christian cross in front of Dracula.


2:19 pm on April 5, 2012