September’s ‘The Free Market’: Mises on The Drug War, Murphy on Mises Academy, and More.

septfmAlready in mailboxes is September’s edition of The Free Market [PDF], the Mises Institute’s monthly.

This month features Laurence Vance on Mises and the Drug War, Economist Robert Murphy on teaching at MisesAcademy, and an analysis of Rothbard’s influence among modern anarchists.

Laurence Vance examines Ludwig von Mises’s views on the prohibition of drugs:

“As soon as we surrender the principle that the state should not interfere in any ques­tions touching on the individual’s mode of life,” Mises goes on, “we end by regulating and restricting the latter down to the smallest detail.”

Robert Murphy reflects on his ability to now reach a worldwide audience

The Free Market: Forbes magazine recently suggested that institutions like the Mises Institute might become the universities of the 21st century. Do you see the MisesAcademy as breaking down some of these barriers between legacy higher education and new programs like MisesAcademy?

Robert Murphy: Oh definitely. I don’t think there’s any doubt that people can get a much better education through online routes, as opposed to brick-and-mortar institutions. The reason is one of simple logistics: You can be anywhere in the world and watch a top-flight instructor teach a course in exactly what you want. In contrast, if you’re at a cer­tain college, you have relatively limited choices about the instructor and the material. In a sense, the internet has to be better, because even the most engaging professors at MIT and so forth can put their physics lectures online.

And Rothbard is analyzed in the pages of The New Yorker:

Sanneh goes on to explain that “Rothbard was an anar­chist, but also a capitalist. ‘True anarchism will be capitalism, and true capitalism will be anarchism,’ he once said, and he sometimes referred to himself by means of a seven-syllable honorific: ‘anarcho-capitalist.’”

Also in this month’s issue, a thank you to our Donors for making Mises Academy possible, Mises in The Huffington Post, and more.


10:33 am on October 2, 2013