Self-hating neocons

Blame It on Neo, by Julia Gorin (subtitle: Don’t call me a “neocon” unless you are a friend.) is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen in the War Street Journal.

The article says explicitly that the word “neocon” is a substitute for “kike”.

When a member of the enlightened classes, or Pat Buchanan, makes reference to a “neocon,” what he’s saying is “yid.” That’s right, “neoconservative,” particularly in its shortened form, when employed by a nonconservative (or by Buchananites) and therefore meant derogatorily, is the modern, albeit more specific, word for “kike” ….

And the article then lays down the law:

So let’s go over the rules: Just because we call ourselves “neocons,” it doesn’t mean you can. Of course, if you’re right-leaning and don’t intend the word disparagingly, you get a pass.

This is simply amazing. The article is poorly written and argued, and so blatant in its hysterical attempt to stifle criticism, and falls flat in its transparent attempt to pretend to be humorous. I am dumbfounded the WSJ would publish this. (But, then again, they employ one of the most despicable humans in public life, Al Hunt.) It is amateur and juvenile.

The article is so over the top and strangely breezy in some ways, and indicates the author “performs with”, probably to provide a “humorous piece” cover for the shockingly blatant PC pronouncements. But it’s plain that they want to outlaw the word neocon! You’d never know it’s their own self-describing term. Seems to me the real meaning is: we are exempt from criticism, you bigots, because of who we are. I.e., as an acquaintance observed, it’s supposed to be funny, but her intent, and theirs, is deadly serious. DO NOT SAY NEOCON. We’ve turned it into a pejorative–or, rather, they have–and they can’t stand it.


5:14 pm on September 23, 2004