Ron Paul the Intellectual

Tyler Cowen is “discomforted by [Ron Paul’s] overall anti-intellectual demeanor.” Could that be any more hilarious? I tried posting the following, but it’s been flagged as potential “spam” and awaits moderation. In case it never sees the light of day, here it is.

“Who exactly qualifies as ‘intellectual,’ then? Anyone running in either major party? Ron Paul is obviously the most well read candidate we’ve seen in a very long time. He quotes Hayek and Mises freely. He quoted Bastiat on Glenn Beck — obviously a first. On current events he’s read and cited Robert Pape’s scholarly study of suicide bombing, and countless authors on ‘blowback.’

“Etc. Etc. Etc. I could go on, as everyone well knows. But Paul has an ‘anti-intellectual’ demeanor? Are we watching the same debates? Here’s a stage of people speaking in rehearsed slogans, and there’s Ron Paul quietly trying to teach them something even if it means he gets booed.

“And then fashionable libertarian opinion sniffs at him. Good grief.”


11:58 am on December 20, 2007