Ron as Persona Non Grata

I don’t know why we should be surprised that Ron Paul is treated by the media — in the lovely metaphor of Jon Stewart — as the 13th floor in a hotel. The MSM’s principal job is to propagandize on behalf of the political establishment; to pick up where the government schools left off. As Noam Chomsky reminds us, the MSM’s task is not to raise questions, or stir debate, or suggest alternatives, but to reinforce our conditioned thinking to want society to be organized just the way it is. Ron does not serve that purpose. The most we can hope for from the MSM is that its repeated efforts to convince people that Ron Paul does not exist only confirms their propagandistic function. As in the 2008 elections, the MSM will continue to play out the script it has been handed, and to let us know which candidates are suitable to the owners as figurehead authorities.


10:43 am on October 19, 2011