Republican Terrorist Calls for Criminalizing Terrorist Exposure

Typical of a good Republican warmongering fascist, Rep. Peter King (NY) wants the U.S. government to declare WikiLeaks a terrorist organization. (I’m still waiting for the United States government to be declared a terrorist organization.) Says King about the recently released documents:

“This is worse even than a physical attack on Americans, it’s worse than a military attack”

King wants Holder to prosecute Assange under the Espionage Act and has also called on Clinton to determine whether WikiLeaks could be designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

This isn’t the first time that a Republican has gone after a person brave enough to show the world what the United States government is really all about. It happened almost 40 years ago during the Vietnam War when the government tried to discredit a  hero named Daniel Ellsberg. At that time, the government was under a Republican Administration (Pres. “Tricky Dick” Nixon).  It will be interesting to see how far the current “liberal” Obama Democratic Administration will try to discredit, or even destroy, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


7:05 am on November 29, 2010