Another View of Citizenship

Writes Steve Candidus:

About your article, I think we need to clarify our “Americas” here.

First I should explain that, to me, renouncing your citizenship of any country is kind of in the same area as getting married or divorced. It’s something that should be up to each individual, not the government.

Why should anyone need the government’s permission (a marriage license) to marry someone? Why should anyone need the government’s permission to decide that they no longer wish to be associated with that government? They should be simply allowed to say so and be done with it.

I did that very thing when I moved to Texas 23 years ago. I am now a legal resident of Texas and, as such, I actually enjoy a dual citizenship.

I am a lawful and legal citizen of “The Republic of Texas” and I am also a lawful and legal citizen of “The Confederate States of America.”

Simply because our countries have been occupied by hostile forces for over 150 years does not in any way diminish my citizenship in them nor does it make me a citizen of the illegal and hostile occupier — “The United States of America.”


1:14 pm on April 28, 2010