Remember, the Census Is “Just” About Federal Funding

MEMO TO ALL ARAB CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS CURRENTLY RESIDING IN THE UNITED STATES: Back in 2004, the U.S. Census Bureau gave the Department of Homeland Insecurity documents pertaining to all people who identified themselves as Arabs on their census forms. There is no indication that the Bureau was asked by Homeland Insecurity to provide this sort of information for any other ethnic group.

But I don’t want all of you Arabs living here to get the idea that you are so special. This was originally done by the Bureau during World War II when the government wanted information on all of the “Japs”  living here in order for the government to round them up to be imprisoned in the concentration internment camps.

To all of you “real” Americans reading this, keep this in mind when you do your slavery duty in filling out this year’s census.

[Thanks to Eli Cryderman]


8:48 pm on March 15, 2010