Red Badge of Hate

Writes Rob Sieg:

As I traveled this morning to my place of work, in an attempt to lead a productive life and earn my living, I saw the endless parade of people wearing those popular “I Voted” stickers on their lapels. And this morning I finally realized why those adhesive badges are colored red. When you vote, you have the blood of coercion, violence, war, theft, and illegitimate rule on your hands. It is more than an endorsement of a particular candidate or party, it is an endorsement of a system that rules over us all with an iron fist. It is a plea to the school bully to not take all of your lunch money, but just to steal a certain percentage of it. And it bends the rules of morality to assume that when 49 people out of 100 say something is wrong – it is, and when 51 say it is right, it is.

It’s been a long journey of mine over the past years, reading about the Austrian school, and eventually stumbling on LRC and, and I must admit that I resisted the idea at first, but I now see what you mean when you urge people not to vote. Almost to my chagrin, I did not vote today, but now the feeling is amazing. I do not have that blood on my hands. Thank you for opening my eyes.

I want to wear a badge that says “I Did Not Vote.” Not colored red, but white – for peace.


10:07 am on November 4, 2008