re: Ron Paul and Tim Russert

As I recall, during his Meet the Press interview Russert tried to insinuate that Ron Paul was a hypocrite for advocating an amendment to the Constitution. His argument was: “How can you claim to be a champion of the Constitution while at the same time wanting to amend it?” (The “cosmopolitan” smearbund slanderer Steve Horwitz made the same stupid argument on his blog during the Cato/Reason-orchestrated campaign of character assassination against Ron).

Ron’s expression was one of disbelief that such a major cornerstone of the mainstream media did not appear to know that the Constitution provides for its own amendment, and that it has in fact been amended many times via that process.

Apart from that appalling spectacle of media stupidity, the one thing that sticks in my mind about the interview is how Russert would ask three of four questions in rapid fire, and then rudely interrupt Ron after he spent about two seconds trying to answer the first one with three or four more questions. The mere presence of a principled, limited government constitutionalist seemed to turn Russert’s brain into mush.


8:32 pm on June 15, 2008