re: Regulation and the OWS Movement

Bill: One thing I have witnessed in my thirty-two years as a university professor is that the campus Marxists always hunt down and single out the most gullible and naive (and usually the  lowest I.Q.) students. They propagandize  them, hang out with them, give them good grades whether they deserve them or not, and turn them into mindless little socialist platitude and slogan shouting morons. And they even pretend to take the moral high road despite the fact that the ideology that they devote their lives to — Marxian socialism — was responsible for the mass murder of tens of millions by their own governments during the twentieth century (read Death by Government by R.J. Rummel, or at least check out Professor Rummel’s website).

Campus Marxists  consider even elementary economic education to be an absolute horror that is to be avoided at all cost, since that is all one needs to see through their dangerous socialist superstitions. There seems to be a handful of exceptions, but  this seems to be a perfect description of the early twenty-something rabble that calls itself the “Occupy Wall Street Movement.”


2:13 pm on October 31, 2011