re: re: Ron Paul vs. Ed Schultz

First of all, Ed Schultz obviously doesn’t know that it is the FDA, under the Department of Health and Human Services, that is given much of the responsibility by the Federal gunvernment to safeguard our food–not just the Department of Agriculture. It would behoove Ed Schultz to read this blog that I wrote about the “efficient” FDA and how “well” it protects us from the “greedy capitalist pig” food producers. (I’m going to go out on a limb here and presume that the Department of Agriculture’s “efficiency” is, in all probability, on a par with the FDA’s.)

[Apropos this blog, an LRC Blog reader has sent the following:

Meatpacker sues U.S. for right to do mad cow tests

and the Appeals Court decision.]


3:26 pm on May 21, 2009