Re: Nonsense and Idiocy

William Anderson is right that the religious left spouts its’ share of offensive, ignorant, state worshiping nonsense. In fact, I don’t even trust them on the war issue; I wonder how opposed to the Iraq crusade they would be if Gore or Kerry was President or if Bush has achieved his goal of getting United Nations’ approval for the war.

Still, the religious right is the greater threat because they hold state power and are trying to convince conservative Christians, who should be our natural allies, that love of Christ requires love of war. Thus, if we can in any way weaken the power of the war-mongoring theocrats and neocons who control the mainstream conservative movement by forming a tactical alliance with the religious left I don’t see how we have any choice, no matter how distasteful we find our new “allies.”

BTW– Many of the most committed opponents of conscription are from the religious left and with the military experiencing serious recruitment/retention problems, we may soon need to form an alliance with anti-draft leftists.


8:13 pm on May 4, 2005