re: Heritage Foundation’s Globaloney

To see how thoroughly corrupted by power the Heritage Foundation has become, recall that at the beginning of the Reagan administration a Heritage associate who was appointed to the UN made a very widely publicized statement about how, if the UN left New York City, he would be the first to stand on the dock and wave good bye. The conservatives LOVED it. But now that the GOP has returned to its Lincolnite roots and is once again run by a gang of blododthirsty, warmongering imperialists, Heritage wants an even bigger UN in order to “justify” Dubya’s insane/asinine/imbecilic notion that the U.S. military should embark upon “eradicating evil from the earth.” Yes, Dubya did say that, and a lot of far dumber things as well. How does Heritage remain tax exempt when it’s nothing but an echo chamber/cheerleading squad for the Bush administration?


10:37 pm on May 4, 2006