Rating LRC vs. the Beltway

WebsiteOutlook.com rates websites on their economic worth and daily pageviews.

LRC‘s worth is $286,780, and daily pageviews are 130,069. The New Republic‘s figures are $185,106 and 83,580. The Weekly Standard‘s are $112,967 and 50,776. Reason‘s are $96,579 and 43,218. CATO‘s are $61,466 and 27,186. And AEI‘s are $20,819 and 9,507.

So, as a website, LRC is worth 1.5 times as much as TNR, 2.5 times as much as the Weekly Standard, three times as much as Reason, 4.7 times as much as CATO, and 13.6 times as much as AEI.

Note: From WSO’s lips to God’s ear on LRC advertising potential! Also, our daily pageviews are understated, according to Google Analytics, but thanks to Doug Eberhardt for drawing all this fascinating information to my attention.

UPDATE from Burt Blumert: “How about pointing out that the neocons and Koch libertarians (if there is a difference) have vast funding and many full-time web staffers, and LRC is pretty much a one-man band?”


10:20 am on May 12, 2008