Pure as the Driven Perle

DC is the land of what Joe Sobran calls the “indignant non-denial.” In this story about the chief neocon fixer Richard Perle, he gives us this gem, related to the stockholder suits against him over the Hollinger scandals:

“In an interview Saturday, Perle said the investor’s lawsuit ‘is in many respects just out and out wrong and in other respects very misleading,’ and any suggestion ‘that actions or decisions taken by me involved a quid pro quo for compensation I received…is absolutely false.’

“‘Did I take actions, inappropriate actions, because of actual or promised or anticipated rewards or compensation? The answer is flatly no,’ he said.”

In other words, all the actions he took in return for millions in “actual or promised or anticipated rewards or compensation” were appropriate. And don’t you dare say otherwise. (Thanks to Paul Craig Roberts for the link.)


10:22 am on May 25, 2004