Prosecutorial Misconduct and the Trial of Tonya Craft

There is another case that I consider as outrageous as the Duke Lacrosse Case of a few years ago, and it involves the transparently false child molestation charges against Tonya Craft in Catoosa County, Georgia. I have made a post on my own blog and will be following her trial, which begins Monday, April 12, very, very closely.

Because prosecutors and judges are not held to account by the law, and certainly not by our faux “government watchdog” media, we see travesties like this happen because the people in charge know they can do whatever they want. This is one of those cases, and as far as I am concerned, the prosecutor in this case is no better than Michael Nifong, who in my view is one of the worst human beings ever to be a prosecutor.


12:15 pm on April 8, 2010