Presidential Caucus in Upstate NY

I will be speaking tonight in support of Ron Paul at the Amherst Presidential Caucus, the unofficial start of the New York primary campaign in Western New York. Details here. You may need a reservation. Here’s an excerpt of my remarks:

Before we get into the issues, I want to urge you to put aside the media propaganda and consider supporting Dr. Ron Paul. Contrary to what the media says, he can win the nomination and he can beat Obama. Ron Paul is only 8 delegates behind the current frontrunner Rick Santorum. The other two candidates are fading. And not only can Ron Paul beat Obama, he’s the only one who can unite the broad coalition necessary to do so. Ron Paul polls particularly well among young people, independents, working class people and people in the Northeast. He is strong where Obama is strong. Obama’s people won’t say so of course but they are terrified of Ron Paul. In the Rasmussen poll, Ron Paul holds Obama to just 44%, his lowest number against any Republican candidate. Finally, Ron Paul is the only Republican who will not face a serious libertarian third party challenge.

Update: Here’s the local radio story with my opening statement.


12:19 pm on February 23, 2012