Popular? Then Make It Constitutional!

Neocons continue to tie themselves to the ball and chain of our government’s “bipartisan foreign policy,” while Obama deftly chops the GOP into little pieces.

The backbone of the GOP for years was the generation of the millions of veterans from World War II and Korea. There aren’t so many as they used to be, and Bush made “patriotism” a dirty word by equating it to love of government. Nonetheless, I heard from an old vet after the report of Osama’s death; he said he hated all of Obama’s policies but would vote for him anyway because “he was willing to pull the trigger.”

A simple question for your congressional representative and senators: If everybody supports  the de facto alliance between the United States and Israel, why don’t they make it constitutional, with a formal and legal security treaty that would spell out for all to see the commitments and responsibilities that are imposed on the two countries?

A treaty requires public debate and the eventual advice and consent of two-thirds of the senators present and voting. That should be easy, right? Didn’t they all stand up and cheer? So why do both parties evade these two prospects — first, making public their reasons in an extended debate carried on in an atmosphere of decorum and comity; second, making legal their support for the alliance, which is now based either on secret accords or the whim of the occupant of the Oval Office, by adopting a constitutional treaty?


10:46 am on May 25, 2011