Polish Stars and Bars

When I traveled to Krakow, Poland a couple of weeks ago to attend an economics conference sponsored by Polish libertarians, the young man who picked me up at the airport had a Confederate flag magnet on the dashboard of his car.  He told me that he got it when visiting Richmond, Virginia, where he also purchased a Confederate flag.

Politically-Correct Interpretation:  Obviously, this young libertarian, whose parents were slaves of socialism,  is a racist who reveres nineteenth-century American slave owners and would probably like to introduce slavery to Poland.

More Realistic Interpretation:  This young Polish libertarian, who has not been brainwashed by American government schools, and who has never attended a Claremont Institute seminar, naturally thought of the Confederate flag as a symbol of opposition to a hated centralized governmental tyranny.


4:40 pm on November 8, 2010