Peter Schiff on The “Mister” Ed Show

Yes, LRC readers, The “Mister” Ed Show (aka The Ed Show), because the guy (Lawrence O’Donnell) whose show Peter is on is a HORSE’S ASS. (I sincerely apologize to the actual horse who played “Mister Ed” back in the 1960s.)

I would not have believed this if I hadn’t seen it for myself. This television “host” invites Peter on to discuss his views about the health care bill. The “host” intentionally never  lets Peter answer ONE SINGLE QUESTION without either interrupting Peter completely to answer his own question that he just asked, or interrupting Peter as Peter is in the middle of answering the question by trying to put words into Peter’s mouth so that viewers only hear what the “host” is claiming Peter is saying—instead of what Peter is actually saying. It’s a good thing that Peter is a Libertarian because, as Johnny Kramer (who sent this video) put it:

“To me, Peter proved his worthiness to be a leader just by keeping his cool through this,* instead of storming off the set or lunging across the table at Lawrence O’Donnell [my emphasis].”

Now is the time for me to reveal to LRC readers that I have NEVER owned a television set in my life. This is Exhibit A as to the reason why.

[Thanks to Johnny Kramer]
*My guess is that Peter didn’t know what he was getting into, or he would have never even bothered coming on. You’ll notice that, unfortunately, it is not until the very end that Peter comments to the horse’s ass that he kept interrupting him during the entire interview.


5:54 am on August 7, 2009