Patriotic Hero or Mass Murderer?

Conservative organizations are using the controversy over Chris Kyle and the American Sniper movie to raise funds. I just received an e-mail from the the Media Research Center attacking the “liberal media” for trying to “besmirch patriotic heroes such as Chris Kyle.” Clicking the link in the e-mail brought me to this donation page where, after calling Chris Kyle a hero again, the MRC states: “We know from experience that the liberal media will try and sway the presidential election.” Gee, I could just have easily have said: “We know from experience that conservative media will try and sway the presidential election.” Kyle, of course, is not hero. He was a mass murderer–and proud of it. The only reason he got away with his deeds is because he wore a government costume and received a government paycheck.

See my Chris Kyle collection here.


8:29 am on February 27, 2015