Out of touch with reality

The consultants quoted here are out of touch with reality on the ground. They don’t talk to real people.

Can we make a deal with these folks that if Ron Paul wins the nomination, they will quit their respective professions? Haven’t they put their reputations on the line here like Namath did? (But he was right.)

Ron Paul Can’t Buy Respect

Staff Reporter of the Sun
December 21, 2007

Rep. Ron Paul’s stunning fundraising prowess may or may not buy him a ticket out of New Hampshire, but there’s no sign the Republican presidential candidate has managed to buy any respect from the Washington establishment. Asked for advice on how Dr. Paul could convert his millions to votes, several prominent political consultants and analysts said, in essence, he can’t.

“Ron Paul’s only option is to buy as many flat screen TVs as he can, put ‘Ron Paul’ bumper stickers on them, and hand them out to voters in New Hampshire,” the manager of Robert Dole’s 1996 presidential campaign, Scott Reed, said. “I just don’t see where he goes. … He will probably be the only presidential candidate ever to have a surplus when he drops out, because he has an incredible amount of money and no campaign strategy to win.”

“I don’t think Ron Paul is a serious candidate who will make any significant difference,” a political newsletter publisher, Charles Cook, said. “Money or no money, I don’t think Paul will be a factor and don’t waste time thinking about him.”

“I’d tell him to go buy a home in the Bahamas,” another top pundit, Stuart Rothenberg, joked.


4:59 am on December 22, 2007