“Onward Climate Change Soldiers”

A man describing himself as a member of the MoveOn organization, has e-mailed me a petition urging the Boston Globe newspaper to “stop printing editorials denying Climate Change.” He states: “Based on extensive scientific research conducted by the IPCC, every National Academy of Science worldwide and the U.S. Global Change Research Program the time for debating settled science is over. It is time for the age of responsible debate and action over HOW we work to mitigate and solve this problem.”

The Climate Change faithful – persons I refer to as “Gang Green” – are the 21st century’s prime example of a secular religion. Replete with the “original sin” of being human; of a lengthy list of “sins” (e.g., any activity that that increases the generation of CO2); “saints” (e.g., Al Gore) and “martyrs” (e.g., polar bears clinging to supposedly melting pieces of ice); and an “apocalypse” for failure to live according to church doctrine, this modern religion puts itself in a state of war with those who espouse opposing viewpoints or wish to continue pursuing the search for truth. The language in the above petition confirms the anti-scientific base of this religion: “the time for debating settled science is over.” It is axiomatic among scientists that what is presently known – or thought to be known – is always open to debate; that the search for truth is never “over.” Indeed, it is the fact that the search for truth in this area is NOT over, that Gang Green seeks to enforce its opinions over those of doubters. If a man went on a campaign against the “multiplication tables,” would any members of the mathematics establishment deign to acknowledge the claim? Wouldn’t the man’s erroneous thinking be so easy to refute that intelligent minds would not lower themselves to do so?

In foolishness of this sort, do the true-believers in Climate Changeism not see that they are playing the same game played by members of the established order who sought – by varying degrees of pressure, even death itself – to defend the status quo against doubters and questioners? Were Copernicus and Galileo not told to stop theorizing about a heliocentric system, when “settled science” assured mankind that geocentrism was the way of things? And what of the many other scientists who suffered for their insistence upon the search for truth, the Pasteurs, Servetus, Einstein, and – more recently – Wilhelm Reich, who died in a federal prison as a consequence of his work?

Even the history of Climate Changeism shows this process of modification of church dogma: as late as the 1980s, the threat of “Global Cooling” led the faithful to seek collective ways to “solve this problem.” Oooops, it was then decreed that “Global WARMING” was the threat to be overcome. And when it became evident – thanks to those pesky scientists who continued to favor the search for truth over religious orthodoxy – that the earth had undergone millions of years of fluctuating temperatures, “Climate Change” became the threat. But bear in mind that, whatever the “problem” upon which this group seeks to draw our attention, the solution is always the same: to employ the power of the state to “solve this problem.”

“On the basis of my conclusions I draw my facts” is the article of faith of every group that seeks the power to coerce others into behaving as the advocates want.


2:57 pm on June 13, 2014