Once in a Great While, NPR Gets It Right

Here is a terrific radio interview with author Matt Ridley about his latest book, The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. I’m not sure whether or not Ridley is a follower of Austrian economics, but he certainly knows what he’s talking about in this interview. What’s fascinating is how the NPR host, Leonard Lopate—who is a very cultured man but, like all liberals, is economically-ignorant—throws all of the usual cliched negative questions asked by people who don’t even know basic economics at Ridley and how beautifully Ridley responds. (Though I’m sure that with Lopate, the answers went in one ear and out the other.)

NB: Ridley, unfortunately, does buy into the man-made global warming myth.

UPDATE: LRC reader Frank Robinson has written a book of his own called The Case for Rational Optimism. With chapters such as “The Virtues of Free Market Capitalism” and “Why Corporations Are Not Monsters of Evil,” I’m sure it’s well worth checking out along with Matt Ridley’s book.

SECOND UPDATE: Barry Milliken wrote to tell me: “Ridley is particularly skeptical about global warming doomsayers in his book.” [KRAMER: Ridley’s comment at 27:20, though it does show that he’s not as concerned as the global warming doomsayers, he still doesn’t refute the entire notion of man-made global warming.] Barry also wrote: “Actually, Ridley cites Hayek in several places in his book with great admiration.” [KRAMER: No surprise there.]


11:10 am on May 26, 2010