On Footnotes, Endnotes, and Barking Dogs

Chatting with David Heinrich he offhandedly mentioned his preference for footnotes over endnotes. I agree. I’ve always despised endnotes. Endnotes are preferred by those who never read them, which is to say, by philistines, dilettantes, and poseurs. That said, I must admit I’ve always liked the following comments by Bryan Garner, in The Elements of Legal Style (page 93). Garner notes that although footnotes can usefully refer you to other references, “you can hardly ignore, at the foot of every page, the notes that ‘run along, like little angry dogs barking at the text.’ These days, the notes are more likely Great Danes than chihuahuas.” [Quoting S.M. Crothers, “That History Should Be Readable,” in The Gentle Reader 172 (1903; repr. 1972).]


11:02 am on August 29, 2006