Goodnight, Irene

Turning on the TV, on all news stations, I learn that “It’s raining on Manhattan!” and other hot news. The state-media complex is so disappointed that their heralded and desired once-in-a-100-years hurricane turns out to be an old-fashioned Nor’easter. They love to scare people, and to use that fear to glamorize and empower themselves. Every mayor is a mini-Mussolini, not just the despicable Bloomberg, ordering people to leave their homes and enter socialist “shelters.” Even Chekists Michael Chertoff and Janet Napolitano were rolled out to try to terrorize us. But the slightly stupefied Obama was there to calm the waters, and assure us that the well-connected will get even more loot out of the storm. The entire circus just reinforces my usual message: believe nothing the state and its allies in the media say. Indeed, believe the opposite.


8:27 am on August 28, 2011