Official Hate Is A-OK

Thanks to Joe Salerno for pointing out to me on the flight from Brazil this vicious cartoon in yesterday’s USA Today. You haven’t heard of this cartoon—it has not been denounced by the usual suspects—because it maligned Muslims, which is not only OK, but a positive good, according to the state and its pulpwood mouthpieces. You will never hear the heresy hunters denounce this sort of hate. Nor will you hear any of these birds criticizing articles for not mentioning US massacres of Muslims since the war against the Philippines, let alone the more than one million innocents murdered in just the latest US war on Muslims. Nor do the regimists oppose the proposed aggressive war on Iranian Muslims. The heresies the heresy hunters hunt is dissent from the regime.

UPDATE from J.B. Webb: “You totally missed the misogynist aspect of this ‘cartoon’. Sticking a bomb up a woman’s dress? This is so wrong beyond the obvious racial overtones.”


12:55 pm on April 14, 2010