Obama: Your Money or Your Life

The state keeps stepping up its fearmongering. That has always been the theme in international affairs, of course. “The [insert name of foreign people here] want to kill you and your children! So we must kill them and their children! And we must take your money, privacy, power, and sons to do it. PS: Shut up, except to sing, God bless the government.”

Bush used a similar technique to bail out the banks. Now Obama is echoing Bush to get his stimulus of the state. “Print up another trillion to pay off my friends and allies, or face permanent poverty.” But it isn’t working as well. The state media aren’t chiming in as they did 100% over the TARP. Most people, of course, are opposed. Thus the fright tactics.

Actually, after the Fed caused this depression, exacerbated by Fannie, Freddie, the banksters, etc. O is doing everything possible to make it permanent. His huge welfare stimulus will make things even worse. But like all Keynesians, he will claim that it was not enough when it fails to help anyone except the politically favored recipients of the ripoff. Next will come calls for a truly Krugmanian quadrillion bailout. A Soviet-Zimbabwe combo is the path to prosperity, don’t you know?


9:33 am on February 5, 2009