Obama ‘Reserves the Right’ To Murder Millions

He would only nuke Iran if it were necessary, of course–if he thought that non-warlike country might be able to stand up to US imperialism. He also claims the right to commit mass murder against countries that have not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (but surely not Israel). Almost every president longs to copy Genghis Khan and build pyramids of skulls–that is, by and large, the sort of man who seeks world power–but Barack may be seeking to join the Lincoln-Wilson-FDR-Truman-LBJ-Nixon-Bush megadeath level. God save us.

UPDATE from Mark:

Alternate counterfactual history: “Under the new plan, Germany promises not to use nuclear weapons against countries that don’t have them. The policy would not apply to states like Poland, however, because of their refusal to cooperate with Germany.”


12:04 pm on April 6, 2010