Nullification vs. Slavery

A recurring theme among the commissars of approved opinion is that if you are not a nationalist, you probably support slavery.  It’s a ridiculous argument both in light of the atrocities that nationalism has made possible, and when we recall that opponents of slavery did their best to resist the institution by means of a non-nationalist strategy that involved fighting it at the state level.

In light of this, Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center came up with the idea of having the next Nullify Now event in the Harriet Tubman Theater at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati this Saturday.  It is enough to make a zombie‘s head explode.  Boldin, I have found, has a way of making his opponents’ heads spin.  When Mother Jones set out to write what I assume was to be a hit piece on him, he so charmed the reporter that they had no choice but to write a favorable piece.


2:07 pm on March 2, 2011