Neocon Freedom House Outraged at Ron Paul

Sputters the CIA-friendly Freedom House:

“Especially disturbing is the hostility of Paul-style libertarians to every effort in the postwar period to use American power to advance the cause of freedom.”

“Freedom,” in DC-speak, means US hegemony, of course. And see this:

“Would Ron Paul have supported Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi over two frustrating decades? Would he have encouraged the forces in Indonesia that ended dictatorship and forged the Muslim world’s largest democracy? Would he ignore Russian dissidents who oppose Vladimir Putin and, under constant duress from an all-powerful regime, seek moral sustenance from the United States?”

Do libertarians fail to fall for neocon disinfo and imperial propaganda? Yep, and so do millions of young people. (And thanks to Daniel McAdams)


10:23 am on August 31, 2012